Saga 1-18 (2012-2014) (1440px+2048px-HD) (theProletariat-Novus)
2014-02-01 12:00:59 GMT
Saga Image Brian K. Vaughan Fiona Staples Fonografiks Novus NVS-D Tarutaru theProletariat

This torrent includes both 1440px version of #1, 1440px and 2048px-HD noAds versions of #2-18, and c2c versions of 12-18. *Note: You can download both or only choose which version you'd prefer by deselecting the one you don't want when you add the torrent to your client software. If you're adding the torrent via magnet link, you can deselect any undesired file in the list of files once the torrent has begun downloading.

English | CBR | 18 Issues

Saga #1-18 Publisher: Image Comics Publication Date: March 14, 2012 - January 29, 2014

Written by Brian K. Vaughan Art by Fiona Staples Lettered by Fonografiks

Issues #1-6 encompass the first story arc: From New York Times bestselling writer BRIAN K.VAUGHAN (Y: THE LAST MAN, EX MACHINA) and critically acclaimed artist FIONA STAPLES (MYSTERY SOCIETY, NORTH 40), SAGA is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in a sexy, subversive drama for adults. This specially priced volume collects the first arc of the smash hit series The Onion A.V. Club calls "the emotional epic Hollywood wishes it could make."

Issues #7-12 encompass the second story arc: Entertainment Weekly called the series, "the kind of comic you get when truly talented superstar creators are given the freedom to produce their dream comic." Thanks to her star-crossed parents Marko and Alana, newborn baby Hazel has already survived lethal assassins, rampaging armies, and alien monstrosities, but in the cold vastness of outer space, the little girl encounters her family's greatest challenge yet: the grandparents.

Saga #13-18 encompass the third story arc: The Eisner, Harvey, and Hugo Award-winning phenomenon continues, as new parents Marko and Alana travel to an alien world to visit their hero, while the family's pursuers finally close in on their targets.

Thanks goes to Tarutaru and theProletariat for this release.

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