Title: The Wrestler
Released: 2008 Length: 01:49:32 Size: 1.79GB Genre: Sport, Drama, Romance
Plot: A professional wrestling icon Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke) portrays a 20-year veteran coming to grips with issues pending his retirement however changing his lifestyle becomes overly disconcerning. Outside the ring, Randy attempt to reconcile his relationship with his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) while romanticizing with his confidant and lascivious lap dancer (Marisa Tomei).
Starring: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood
Video Codec: [H264] Format: .mp4 Resolution: 720x380 Bitrate: 1836kbps (HQ 2-pass encoding) Frame rate: 23.976 frames/sec. (original)
Audio (original) Bitrate: 511kbs Channels: 6 (5.1 Dolby Digital) Sample: 48kHz Volume: 100%
20th Century Fox Entertainment