2013-09-17 01:01:34 GMT
pen test BBB beagle bone XBee

The Deck for BeagleBone Black Has Arrived! As promised at DEFCON 21, I have released The Deck version 1.2 for the BeagleBone Black (BBB). I'm working on some instructional videos. For now, there are 4 ways to get The Deck for your BBB:

  1. The super easy way - go to Special Computing and buy a preloaded card here
  2. Download the 2.5GB archive from here:
  3. Torrent it from here:
  4. Try and download this Google Drive shared document:

I'm hoping to roll out an updated version of the MeshDeck for the BBB in the coming weeks. I am also working to release an XBee cape to go with this to make things easy for everyone.

A quick look at what is new: Switch from Ubuntu 11.04 to 13.04 as a base operating system Over 1600 packages have been updated I reduced the archive file by 1.7GB by cleaning the apt cache LXDE is now the window manager in use

Update 1: If you are using the MeshDeck (XBee addon), here is all you need to do to get this up and going on the BeagleBone Black:

Add the following lines to /etc/rc.local BEFORE the exit 0 at the end:

setup the MeshDeck drone

echo BB-UART2 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.8/slots sleep 2 /etc/init.d/meshdeckd start

The first line loads the pre-installed device tree overlay found in /lib/firmware which enables the appropriate pins needed to run the XBee module. The second line just delays to make sure this completes before the last line is executed. The last line shouldn't be needed, but it seems that the daemon tries to start before the UART is configured and this is the way to make sure it works reliably.

Update 2: I've created an 11 minute video on how to install The Deck on the BeagleBone Black. You can find it hereMore videos on setting up the MeshDeck and 4Deck to follow.

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。