Jagten 2012 DVD9 SVE ITA
2013-05-08 15:22:44 GMT

Directed by Thomas Vinterberg

Produced by Morten Kaufmann

Sisse Graum Jørgensen

Thomas Vinterberg

Written by Tobias Lindholm

Thomas Vinterberg

Starring Mads Mikkelsen

Thomas Bo Larsen

Lasse Fogelstrøm

Annika Wedderkopp

Music by Nikolaj Egelund

Cinematography Charlotte Bruus Christensen

Editing by Anne Østerud

Janus Billeskov Jansen

Studio Zentropa

Distributed by Nordisk Film

Release date(s)

20 May 2012 (Cannes)

10 January 2013 (Denmark)

Running time 106 minutes

Country Denmark

Language Danish

Lucas is an average member of a small, close-knit, Danish community. Being a divorcee who is struggling to maintain a relationship with his son and having lost his former job as a secondary school teacher, he is facing some difficulties in his life, and resorts to working at a kindergarten to make ends meet. Yet he enjoys wholesome interaction with the children, and there seems to be a silver lining when an attractive female coworker makes advances towards him and eventually moves in as his girlfriend.

All this is ruined, however, when he is wrongly accused of showing his genitals to Klara, a little girl at the daycare who he walks home from school and who is also the daughter of Theo, Lucas' closest friend. Klara was earlier shown a picture of an erect penis by her older brother in jest, and she makes unclear comments about the event that involve Lucas. She is asked leading questions by the nursery personnel during an investigation and unintentionally states that Lucas acted sexually inappropriately around her. All the adults in the community readily believe her story and urge her not to expand on it, lest she relive the supposedly tragic event.

Software :AnyDVD

Compression :No

File :DVD9 Full

Language :Ita / Sve

Sub :Italiano

Extra :Yes

Menù: Yes

Size :6,84 GB

File :Folder

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