Plot: A family of police officers – patriarch, two sons, and a son-in-law – deals with corruption in a precinct in Washington Heights. Four officers die in an ambush at a drug dealer’s apartment. It’s brother Francis’s precinct, so when the investigation led by brother Ray finds hints of police corruption, there’s pressure to close ranks and save Frankie’s career. Dad, a police brass, promises Ray that he and Frankie can clean things up, and Ray should focus on catching the drug dealer who killed the cops. Meanwhile, brother-in-law Jimmy, a hothead and an enforcer, is visited at home by a lowlife. Is Jimmy involved in the corruption? Where can this take the family?
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller iMDB Rating: 6,6/10 from 40 718 users Director: Gavin O’Connor Starring: Colin Farrell, Edward Norton, Jon Voight
SOURCE Used: Pride and Glory 2008 720p BluRay DTS x264-MCR
Codec ID/Info : Advanced Video Coding Duration : 2h 10mn Bit rate : 1 200 Kbps Width : 1 280 pixels Height : 720 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate : 23.976 fps
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec Duration : 2h 10mn Bit rate : 160 Kbps Channel(s) : 2 channels