SPACE 1999 CLASSICS REMASTERED 1-8 (of 11) (2012-13) Bean-Empire
2013-04-13 06:03:56 GMT
Space: 1999 Classics Remastered Archaia Entertainment Gray Morrow John Byrne

From Comixology:

Space: 1999 - Classics Remastered

A carefully selected body of original SPACE: 1999 comics from the 1970s, SPACE: 1999 - CLASSIC is a celebration of the series that not only looks back in retro nostalgia -- but also forward to the future of this dynamic space epic. After suffering the loss of Victor Bergman, Paul Morrow, and David Kano, John Koenig and Moonbase Alpha find themselves at the mercy of an alien mastermind and a biological computer that eats minds. Their only hope is to appeal to the mercy of the madman's daughter, a shape shifting young woman called Maya, and convince her of her father's sinister plan! Part one of a two part adaptation of the season two episode of SPACE: 1999 "The Metamorph" -- expanded to include both new and cut dialogue, and utilizing the remastered art of comics legend Gray Morrow! Within these pages are not simply reprints, but remastered works, most in color for the first time. With respect to the intent and spirit of the original body of work, these comics have been enhanced and clarified within both the story and art, in order to bring these Alphan adventures more in line with both the established continuity of the original Space: 1999 original televised series and the new graphic novel series.

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。