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English | CBR | 25 Pages
Michael Turner's Soulfire v4 #4 Publisher: Aspen Comics Publication Date: March 20, 2013
Plot: J.T. Krul and Frank Mastromauro Story: J.T. Krul Pencils: Mike DeBalfo Colors: Nei Ruffino Letters: Josh Reed
Possessed by the chaotic spirit of Oris, Grace seems all but unstoppable as her reign of terror storms across the globe. Cities are being destroyed. People are dying. In the Everlands, one of Malikai's closest friends is facing death from Grace's violence. Can the combined power of magic and technology save them? And if so, will the result be a miracle... or an abomination?
Thanks goes to Tarutaru for this release.
Michael Turner's Soulfire v4 #1:
Michael Turner's Soulfire v4 #2:
Michael Turner's Soulfire v4 #3: