The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring THEATRICAL EDITION 2001 1080p_____ _________BrRip H264 Eng-Spn LAtino - Pitu
Size: 2.64 GB Format: Matroska/WebM file format Stream count: 3 Duration: 02:58:25 Bit rate: 2119 kb/s Meta info:
Stream 0 Type: video Codec: h264 Codec profile: High Width: 1920 Height: 800 Sample aspect ratio: 1:1 Display aspect ratio: 12:5 Pixel format: yuv420p Frame rate: 23.98 fps Default: YES
Stream 1 Type: audio Codec: aac Sample rate: 44100 Hz Sample format: s16 Channel: 6 Default: YES Meta info: title: Español Latino
Stream 2 Type: audio Codec: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Sample format: s16 Channel: 2 Meta info: title: Ingles
Sigenos en faceb00k/pitufo180 No Tepierdas
Sigenos en faceb00k/pitufo180 Los Mejores Estrenos
Sigenos en faceb00k/pitufo180 Audio Latino
Sigenos en faceb00k/pitufo180 Full HD