TutsPlus - Agile Design Patterns [2012]
2013-01-16 04:31:24 GMT
TutsPlus Agile Design

Design patterns are an essential part of software development. At some point in every programmer’s career, he or she will have to dig in and learn how to apply these patterns. Even if they may appear scary at first, they are, in fact, much simpler to understand than you might initially think.

In this course, you’ll learn what design patterns are, how each of them is defined, what they are used for, and, of course, how to implement them in PHP!

Introduction 12m 52s Introduction - What Are Design Patterns? 6m Introduction - Basic UML Notations 3m 4s Introduction - What is Agile and Software Craftsmanship? 3m 48s

Agile Design Patterns 4h 11m 2s The Factory Pattern 10m 8s The Gateway Pattern 11m 6s The Proxy Pattern 8m 56s The Repository Pattern 13m 38s Null Object Pattern 15m 16s Command Pattern 7m 20s Active Object Pattern 14m 12s Template Method Pattern 8m 18s Strategy Pattern 16m 26s Facade Pattern 17m 38s Observer Pattern 10m 12s Mediator Pattern 13m 6s Singleton Pattern 9m 48s Monostate Pattern 9m 20s Abstract Server Pattern 12m 2s Adapter Pattern 12m 46s Bridge Pattern 14m 18s Composite Pattern 6m 44s Visitor Pattern 11m State Pattern 15m 56s Decorator Pattern 10m 34s Conclusion 2m 18s Quiz Video

More info: https://tutsplus.com/course/agile-design-patterns/


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