Mortifera 01 (2012)(1440px&2048px-HD)(Tarutaru-Novus)[NVS-D]
2013-01-04 23:00:45 GMT
Mortifera Sea Lion Books Stephan Frost Sarah Partington Novus NVS-D Tarutaru

This torrent includes both 1440px and 2048px-HD versions
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English | CBR | 34 Pages

Mortifera #1 Publisher: Sea Lion Books Publication Date: November 28, 2012

Writer: Stephan Frost Artist: Sarah Partington Cover: Sarah Partington

Demon hunter Catherine Gregor, her brother Ethan, and the demon Durin are in pursuit of the demon Kanisus, who has stolen the power to return his fallen brethren to Earth and slaughter humanity. The Mortifera are an order of knights that are venerably versed in using the dark arts against the damned. From the green, mythical hills of Ireland, land of legend, an archaic rivalry culminates in a battle between the demon Kanisus and Elias Gregor, founder of Mortifera. When Ethan and Catherine discover their slain father, not only are they faced with his death, but the knowledge that Kanisus has possession of vast quantities of demon blood - which will allow him to raise demons from hell.

Thanks goes to Tarutaru for this release.

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