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Many good wishes for recovery going out to X-Factor writer Peter David, who had a stroke last week. :-(
Zombies in King Arthur's Court.
That sums it up, but Knights of the Living Dead is so much more than a zippy high-concept mash-up. Written by Ron Wolfe and illustrated by Pinocchio Vampire Slayer's Dustin Higgins, Knights of the Living Dead transcends the brain-munching of most zombie fiction and examines the nature of ones soul and the essence of being.
All that PLUS brain eating and SWORDS! LOTS OF THEM.
Seriously, this is a fun and cool comic which will (once it sees print) sit beside things like Pinocchio Vampire Slayer as great comics for Young Adults.
While a print edition is planned, right now you can get your Medieval Zombies DIGITALLY, and best of all ISSUE #1 is FREE
Knights of the Living Dead is also available at the iTunes Store and coming soon to Comixology, iVerse, Graphicly and BN.COM (for Nook and Nook Color).