This is my independent scanners pack for 12/30/2012. Included in this pack is
Guarding the Globe #4, 2012 It Girl! and the Atomics #4, 2012 Love and Capes: What To Expect #5, 2012 Love As a Foreign Language #1, 2004
Before uploading these, I am opening them with ComicRack, and made sure they all opened there. If there are problems please let me know. As usual, these are not my scans. Thanks to the original scanners and uppers. If you like what you got here, please purchase them in some form. If this torrent has no seeds please msg me privately. I will be glad to reup anything that has no seeds. It is my policy to not publish my weekly packs unless they are complete, but no later than Friday morning. If you have questions or requests, please message me privately. All descriptions are from DC and taken from Comiclist.
My release packs are as follows:
DC Universe 52 (Wednesdays based on scanners release times, but not later than Friday morning) Marvel NOW! (Marvel Comics in the NOW! universe will be released Wednesdays, based on scanners release times) Total Marvel (All Marvel Universe comics, released on Thursday, based on scanners release times) Zero Day (Marvel, DC and Independent comics, released between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon) Independent Scanners (from scanners not affiliated with groups, released on Mondays) DC Monthly (all DC Universe comics for the month, released the first Friday after the end of the month) Total Marvel Monthly (all Marvel Universe comics, released the first Tuesday after the end of the month)