Zygor Guides 4.0.5577 (December 19th, 2012)
2012-12-22 06:33:32 GMT
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Zygor Guides update v4.0.5577, released December 19th, 2012. (Horde and Alliance)

Patch Notes:

[B] Professions Fixed routing issues, combined guides, made all professions run more smoothly Fixed minor issues in cooking

[H] Dailies/Reps Fixed an error in the Dominance Offensive

[A] Events Fixed a map issue with the Feast of Winter Veil quests

[A] Dailies Fixed a typo in Operation Shieldwall. Added the quest chain "The Kirin Tor" Into the Operation: Shieldwall guides. Corrected a coordinate mistake in Klaxxi guide for "Shadow of the Empire".

[H] Battle Pet pathing Reworking the leveling path.

[H] Battle Pets Working on rerouting the leveling and dailies guide.

[A] Dailies Added a quest chain to the Operation: Shieldwall .

[Auto Equip] *Fixed an issue with Monks that would allow an OH weapon to be suggested if a 2h was equipped. Now the user has a choice of 2h or dual wielding and the system will suggest items based on what is currently being used.

[Talents] *Talents should be automatically learned on level up correctly now.

[A] Leveling Fixed minor issues in the Terokkar Forest guide

[B] Events Added Feast of Winter Veil to the Trial Guides Fixed a requirement for a quest

[B] Dailies/Reps Added reward descriptions in the guide menu for all MoP reputations and dailies

[H] Leveling Fixed an error in Borean Tundra

[B] Dailies Fixed routing error in the Cooking dailies

[B] Dailies Fixed cooking dailies error

[A] Adjusted the pathing in the Battle Pet Quest and Daily guides.

[B] Gear *Unique items should no longer be suggested if one of such item is already equipped.

[Travel] *Moonglade teleport for Druids should now update correctly on arrival.

[Auto Equip] *Unique items should now be handled properly and not be suggested if it is not able to be equipped. *Client should no Version: 4.0.5557 Released on: December 17th, 2012 [B] Events/Dailies Fixed errors in the Feast of Winter Veil guides Added pre-requisites for the Cooking Dailies

[A] Professions Fixed an error in the Skinning guide

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