Cyberforce v4 02 (2012)(1440px&2048px-HD)(TaruTariat-Novus)
2012-12-19 15:32:11 GMT
Cyberforce Cyber Force Image Top Cow Mark Silvestri Matt Hawkins Khoi Pham Regla Sunny Gho Troy Peteri Novus-NVS-D Tarutaru theProletariat

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English | CBR | 29 Pages

Cyber Force v4 #2 Publisher: Image Comics / Top Cow Publication Date: December 5, 2012

Creator, Writer, Art Director, & Character Designer: Marc Silvestri Plot-Script Assist: Matt Hawkins Penciler: Khoi Pham Inker: Regla Colorist: Sunny Gho Letterer: Troy Peteri

TOP COW'S TOP-SELLING SERIES OF ALL TIME CONTINUES IN ITS GROUND-BREAKING RELAUNCH! APHRODITE V DEBUTS! For the first time in history, mankind is outpacing evolution. It takes nature thousands of years to adapt to changes and the things humanity has accomplished technologically in just the past 100 years has thrown its ability to evolve, and in turn survive, completely out of whack. In other words, a world full of wonders and conveniences is being created that none will hope to survive. This dilemma is at the heart of what CYBER FORCE is all about. The massive corporation CDI continues to engineer technologically enhanced humans. Cyber Force, terrorists or resistance fighters depending on your point of view try and regroup and reveal the conspiracy that is behind the heart of CDI and its mission. Aphrodite V and Stryker make their debut!

Thanks goes to Tarutaru and theProletariat for this release.[DCP-D]

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