Joshi P. Experiments in Engineering Chemistry 2020
2025-03-08 12:46:29 GMT
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The knowledge of chemical analysis, properties and behavior of different materials using various instrumental techniques are parts of engineering. This implies that engineers and technologists dealing with materials must have elementary training in chemistry so as to prepare themselves for the profession. This book presents laboratory experiments for the first year engineering students that can be adapted in almost all the chemistry laboratories across all the universities in the country. It will be a good reference resource for preparing students for chemistry practical examinations. Practical experiments in this book have been prepared keeping in mind the major theory chapters in engineering chemistry. The book is designed as a teaching aid to help communicate simple chemistry experiments to students. Determination of Alkalinity of Water Determination of Dissolved Oxygen by Winkler’s Method Determination of Total Hardness of Water by Complexometry Removal of Hardness of Water Using Ion-Exchange Treatment of Wastewater Using Activated Charcoal Determination of % of Chlorine in Bleaching Powder Polymer Density Determination Tensile Strength of Fibres Total Manganese in Pyrolusite Ore (Redox Titration) Determination of % of Fe in Steel Estimation of Zinc in Brass Two-Component System Using Cooling Curves Estimation of Calcium in Limestone or Dolomite Determination of EMF of a Daniel Cell Corrosion of Metals Proximate Analysis of Coal Saponification of Lubricant Oil Acid Value of Oils Analysis of Flue Gas (Orsat Apparatus) Iodine Value of Lubricant Viscosity Determination by Redwood Viscometer Flashpoint Determination by Abel’s Apparatus Flashpoint Determination by Pensky-Martens Apparatus Preparation/Synthesis of Important Chemicals Preparation of Potash Alum Synthesis of Alumina (Nanoscale Oxide) Effect of Nature of Reactants on the Rate of the Reaction Effect of Catalyst on the Rate of the Reaction Rate of Reaction between Na2S2O3 and HCl Hydrolysis of Salts and Determination of their pH Determination of Specific Rotation of Sugar Solution Using Polarimeter Conductometric Titration of HCl Against NaOH Alternative Green Procedure for Organic Qualitative Analysis Analysis of Iodine in Table Salt Analysis of Aspirin Analysis of Vitamin C in Fruit Juice Estimation of Glucose Preparation of Perfumes Preparation of Emulsions

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