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This workbook on ordinary differential equations serves either as a handy supplement to current students or as a useful review for students who have previously studied the material. This book focuses on essential techniques for solving and understanding differential equations. Topics include: first-order differential equations. second-order differential equations. separable equations. linear equations. homogeneous equations. exact differential equations. autonomous differential equations. the Wronskian. initial-value and boundary-value problems. applications of differential equations. power series solutions. recurrence relations. Legendre, Chebyshev, Laguerre, and Hermite Polynomials. Rodrigues’ formula. and more. Introduction. Kinds of Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. Exact First-Order Equations. Linear First-Order Equations. Applications with First-Order Equations. The Wronskian. Linear Higher-Order Equations. Linear Homogeneous Second-Order Equations with Constant Coefficients. Power Series Solutions. A Few Special Polynomials. Applications with Second-Order Equations. Answers and Notes