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This friendly, supportive, yet challenging book will show you how master software engineers think, and guide you through the process of designing production-ready command-line tools in Rust, step by step. This book is aimed at those who have a little experience with Rust (or even a lot), and would now like to learn how to build good software with it. What is “good” software anyway? What would it look like in Rust? And how do we get there from here? If you want to learn why Rust consistently tops polls of the most admired languages, and why its popularity is rising fast among those who want to build safe, reliable, and high-performance software, this is the book for you. You’ll master a guided-by-tests workflow for designing user-friendly APIs and building libraries of trusted, stable, high-quality software components suitable for critical applications. You can play the book on three difficulty levels: Easy: just follow along as we develop the solutions to each challenge; they’re explained line by line and step by step, so even if you have practically no Rust experience, you should still be able to follow everything just fine. Medium: you can attempt each challenge yourself, but get hints and guidance on the right way to solve the problem, before reading on to see the suggested solution. Hard: tackle the challenges without reading the hints, and use your own initiative to figure out what to do. You can still look at the hints if you get stuck, but the more you can do on your own, the more it’ll build your confidence as a Rust programmer. What you’ll learn How to build reusable crates instead of one-off programs How to design user-friendly APIs, without annoying paperwork How to write robust, testable tools that take command-line flags and arguments How to detect, manage, and present run-time errors How to design Rust crates that work with files and other kinds of binary data How to encode and decode data in binary format, and translate Rust data to and from JSON How to create robust, reusable client packages for HTTP services and other APIs How to launch external commands and capture their output, how to parse arguments and subcommands, and how to add new features to the Cargo tool How to write useful, informative, and high-quality automated unit tests and integration tests