Knots 3D Overview
Used by arborists, fishermen, firefighters, climbers, military and boy and girl scouts the world over, Knots 3D will quickly teach you how to tie even the most difficult knot! Features of Knots 3D
193 unique knots with new ones added frequently. Browse by category or search by name, common synonym or ABOK #. Landscape and portrait modes and full screen (zoom in to see greater detail). Watch knots tie themselves and pause or adjust the speed of the animation at any time . Rotate knots in 360 degree, 3D views to study them from any angle. Interact with the knot on screen by “scrubbing” your finger over the knot to advance or rewind the animation. Dark mode / Light Mode
Essential Knots Arborist Knots Boating and Sailing Knots Camping Knots Caving Knots Climbing Knots Decorative Knots Diving Knots Fishing Knots Military Knots Pioneering Rope Care Scouting Knots Search and Rescue (SAR) Theatre and Film Knots
Bends Binding Knots Friction Hitches Hitches Lashings Loop Knots Quick Release Stopper Knots
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