Judge Dredd Megazine #318-330 (2012) [Rebellion]
2012-11-12 06:34:32 GMT
Judge Dredd Dredd Complete Case Files The Complete Case Files 2000AD Rebellion

English | CBZ and CBR | 15 Issues

Judge Dredd Megazine #318-330 Publisher: Rebellion Publication Date: January 4, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Judge Dredd Megazine #318 Judge Dredd - Let's Kill Santa (Al Ewing - Ben Willsher) Interview - Grant Morrison Interview - Frank Quitely (on Flex Mentallo) Armitage - The Underground (part 1) (Dave Stone - Patrick Goddard) American Reaper (part 3) (Pat Mills - Clint Langley) Cursed Earth Koburn - Going After Billy Zane (part 5 - final part) (Gordon Rennie - Carlos and Hector Ezquerra) Graphic novel 44 - Venus Bluegenes - Venus on the Frag Shell Venus Bluegenes - Venus on the Frag Shell (reprint from 2000ad progs 976-979) (Dan Abnett - Simon Coleby) Venus Bluegenes - Stealth (reprint from 2000ad progs 980-982) (Steve White - Henry Flint) Tor Cyan - No Such Place (reprint from 2000ad progs 1297-1299) (John Tomlinson - Jock)

Judge Dredd Megazine #319 Judge Dredd - Old Man Time (part 1) (Michael Carroll - Nick Dyer) Interview - Simon Jacob Armitage - The Underground (part 2) (Dave Stone - Patrick Goddard) American Reaper (part 4) (Pat Mills - Clint Langley) Strange and Darke - New Blood (Part 1) (John Smith - Colin Macneil) Graphic novel 45 - Durham Red - Island of the Damned Durham Red - Island of the Damned (reprint from 2000ad progs 762-773) (Alan Grant - Carlos Ezquerra)

Judge Dredd Megazine #320 Judge Dredd - Old Man Time (part 2 - final part) (Michael Carroll - Nick Dyer) Interview - Mick Austin Armitage - The Underground (part 3) (Dave Stone - Patrick Goddard) American Reaper (part 5) (Pat Mills - Clint Langley) Four colour classics - Warrior Strange and Darke - New Blood (Part 2) (John Smith - Colin Macneil)

Judge Dredd Megazine #320 Supplement - Graphic novel 46 - Strontium Dogs - Crossroads Durham Red - Ring My Bell (reprint from the 2000ad Yearbook 1993) (Alan Grant - Carlos Ezquerra) Strontium Dogs - Dead Man's Hand (reprint from the 2000ad Yearbook 1993) (Garth Ennis - Simon Harrison) Strontium Dogs - The Cage (reprint from the Strontium Dogs poster prog issue 1) (Peter Hogan - Nigel Dobbyn) Strontium Dogs - Crossroads (reprint from 2000ad progs 897-899) (Peter Hogan - Nigel Dobbyn) Durham Red - Mirrors (reprint from 2000ad progs 901-903) (Peter Hogan - Mark Harrison) Tharg's Future Shocks - Conquering the Galaxy on $10 a Day (reprint from 2000ad prog 568) (Philip Barber - Simon Harrison)

Judge Dredd Megazine #321 Judge Dredd - The Guile Show (part 1) (Robbie Morrison - Gary Erskine) Interview - Edmund Bagwell Interview - Tiernen Trevallion Armitage - The Underground (part 4 - final part) (Dave Stone - Patrick Goddard) American Reaper (part 6 - final part) (Pat Mills - Clint Langley) Strange and Darke - New Blood (Part 3) (John Smith - Colin Macneil)

Judge Dredd Megazine #321 Supplement - Graphic novel 47 - Death Planet Death Planet (reprint from 2000ad progs 62-70) (Alan Hebden - Lopez) Angel (reprint from 2000ad progs 95-99) (Chris Stevens - Carlos Pino)

Judge Dredd Megazine #322 Judge Dredd - The Guile Show (part 2 - final part) (Robbie Morrison - Gary Erskine) Interview - Steve Parkhouse Tales from the Black Museum - Scouting for Bots (Leah Moore and John Reppion - D'Israeli) Comicana - John Carter of Mars Snapshot (part 1) (Andy Diggle - Jock) Strange and Darke - New Blood (Part 4) (John Smith - Colin Macneil) Graphic novel 48 - Purgatory Purgatory (reprint from 2000ad progs 834-841) (Mark Millar - Carlos Ezquerra) Janus, PSI-Division - Will O' The Wisp (reprint from the 2000ad Winter Special 1993) (Grant Morrison - Carlos Ezquerra) Tharg's Time Twisters - The Impossible Murder (reprint from 2000ad 319) (Alan Moore (using the pseudonym J.M.Teed) - Carlos Ezquerra)

Judge Dredd Megazine #323 Judge Dredd - The Ajudicators (part 1) (Simon Spurrier - Carlos Ezquerra) Interview - Mark Millar Interview - Bryan Hitch Samizdat Squad - Grey Zone (part 1) (Arthur Wyatt - P.J.Holden) Interview - Alec Worley Snapshot (part 2) (Andy Diggle - Jock) Strange and Darke - New Blood (Part 5 - final part) (John Smith - Colin Macneil) Graphic novel 49 - Harry Kipling (Deceased) (cover: Boo Cook) Harry Kipling (Deceased) - Prologue (reprint from 2000AD prog 1476) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook) Harry Kipling (Deceased) - Mad Gods and Englishmen (reprint from 2000AD progs 1481-1483) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook) Harry Kipling (Deceased) - Whetting the Whistle (reprint from 2000AD progs 1492-1493) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook) Harry Kipling (Deceased) - Something for Nothing (reprint from 2000AD progs 1497-1499) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook) Harry Kipling (Deceased) - Winter Wonderbrand (reprint from the annual 2000AD Prog 2007) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook) Tharg's Future Shocks - Sex Machine (reprint from 2000AD prog 1264) (Simon Spurrier - Boo Cook)

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