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The biological sciences have been among the most exciting and intensely pursued fields of science for the past several decades. The advancement of high-throughput technologies that generate large scale biological data as well as the development of related computational tools has enabled global efforts at understanding complex biological systems and brought revolutionary changes to biological research.Handbook of Research on Computational and Systems Biology: Interdisciplinary Applications summarizes some of the most recent research carried out in computational biology and systems biology to encourage and guide future study. Submissions to this comprehensive text present methods, tools, and applications developed and considered by many leading experts around the globe. Editorial Advisory Board List of Reviewers List of Contributors Preface. Acknowledgment. Ethics and Privacy Considerations for Systems Biology Applications in Predictive and Personalized Medicine Virtual Screening Systems Biology-Based Approaches Applied to Vaccine Development Current Omics Technologies in Biomarker Discovery Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and its Application in Mapping Loci Involved in Developing Human Diseases and Traits Addressing the Challenges of Detecting Epistasis in Genome-Wide Association Studies of Common Human Diseases Using Biological Expert Knowledge Biclustering of DNA Microarray Data Prediction of Epigenetic Target Sites by Using Genomic DNA Sequence A New Approach for Sequence Analysis Knowledge-Driven, Data-Assisted Integrative Pathway Analytics9 Modules in Biological Networks Using Functional Linkage Gene Networks to Study Human Diseases Network-Driven Analysis Methods and their Application to Drug Discovery Pathway Resources at the Rat Genome Database Unsupervised Methods to Identify Cellular Signaling Networks from Perturbation Data Complexity and Modularity of MAPK Signaling Networks Cancer and Signaling Pathway Deregulation Computational Methods for Identification of Novel Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Pathways by Genome Analysis Linking Interactome to Disease Using Systems Biology Approaches to Predict New Players in the Innate Immune System Dynamic Modeling and Parameter Identification for Biological Networks Granger Causality Connecting Microbial Population Genetics with Microbial Pathogenesis Engineering Microfluidic Cell Arrays for High-throughput Interrogation of Host-Pathogen Interaction Structural Alignment of RNAs with Pseudoknots Finding Attractors on a Folding Energy Landscape Visualization of Protein 3D Structures in ‘Double-Centroid’ Reduced Representation Mechanical Models of Cell Adhesion Incorporating Nonlinear Behavior and Stochastic Rupture of the Bonds A Multiscale Computational Model of Chemotactic Axon Guidance Compilation of References About the Contributors Index