Downie Overview
Ever wished you could save a video from the Internet? Search no more, Downie is what you’re looking for. Easily download videos from thousands of different sites. Features of Downie
Supports many sites – currently supports over 1,000 different sites (including YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and the number is rapidly growing. 4K video YouTube support – unlike many other YouTube downloaders, Downie supports HD video on YouTube, up to 4K. Postprocessing – need your video in MP4 for iTunes? Or want just the audio track? No problem, Downie can handle this for you automatically! Quick support – I respond to emails usually within 24 hours and often add support for requested sites in the next update. Frequent updates – Don‘t wait weeks for new sites to be supported, or bugs to be fixed! Downie is updated about once a week with new features, sites supported, etc. International – not only that Downie supports country-specific sites, it is localized into various languages.
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