Roberts M. Signals and Systems Analysis Using Transform...and MATLAB 2ed 2012
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The second edition of Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MatLAB has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental applications and theory that has been the hallmark of this popular text. The text includes a wealth of exercises, including drill exercises, and more challenging conceptual problems. The book is intended to cover a two-semester course sequence in the basics of signals and systems analysis during the junior or senior year. The second edition of Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MatLAB has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental applications and theory that has been the book's hallmark. This classic text presents comprehensive coverage of all basic signal and system topics and analysis methods for junior or senior students. It can also be used for a one-semester graduate-level review course. Key Features of the Second Edition A more modular organization of topics; 10 chapters emphasizing mathematical principles and theory plus 6 chapters emphasizing applications of transform methods to practical problems. This organization allows more flexibility in topic coverage and sequencing. Four chapters on practical applications have been added: Frequency Response Analysis Communication System Analysis Filter Analysis and Design State-Space Analysis Increased coverage of the discussion of mathematical models of systems, the bilateral Laplace and z transforms, and many more topics. More emphasis has been placed on the importance of the principle of orthogonality in understanding the theoretical basis for Fourier analysis, in both continuous and discrete time. Increased emphasis on the use of the discrete Fourier transform to approximate other types of transforms and some common signal-processing techniques using numerical methods. Many MatLAB examples are included. A wealth of exercises, including drill exercises with answers and more challenging problems without answers. M. J. Roberts is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. He has worked and published in several diverse areas of Electrical Engineering including embedded systems, sensor and instrumentation development, Johnson noise thermometry and spectroscopy as applied to process control. He has taught at the University of Tennessee full-time since 1984. Courses he has taught include circuit theory, signals and systems, engineering applications of optics and random variables at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is a senior member of the IEEE. Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals Discrete-Time Signal Description Description of Systems Time-Domain System Analysis Continuous-Time Fourier Methods Discrete-Time Fourier Methods The Laplace Transform The z Transform Sampling and Signal Processing Frequency Response Analysis Communication System Analysis Laplace System Analysis z-Transform System Analysis Filter Analysis and Design State-Space Analysis Appendices Useful Mathematical Relations Continuous-Time Fourier Series Pairs Discrete Fourier Transform Pairs Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Pairs Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Pairs Tables of Laplace Transform Pairs z Transform Pairs

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