Chajes A. Principles of Structural Stability Theory 1974
2025-01-18 13:42:41 GMT
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This is an introductory book on the subject of structural stability. Its aim is to provide a detailed treatment of the buckling characteristics of various structural elements and to present the different analytical methods used in the solution of stability problems. The first chapter deals with the buckling of columns. It begins with the linear elastic theory and goes on to treat initial imperfections, large deformations, and inelastic behavior. The chapter concludes by relating theoretical results to actual engineering materials. In Chapter 2 various approximate methods used to solve buckling problems are considered. Numerical techniques that can be used in conjunction with high speed electronic computers, as well as traditional methods, are included. The remaining chapters deal with the buckling of beams, frames, plates, and shells. These chapters serve a dual purpose. They present the buckling characteristics of various structural elements in a manner similar to the treatment of columns in Chapter 1. They also demonstrate how the various approximate methods introduced in Chapter 2 can be applied to different structural systems. Although the book is primarily concerned with analysis, an attempt is made to relate theoretical conclusions to current design practices

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