EASA 081 - Principles of Flight (ATPL) 2022
2024-12-30 13:13:46 GMT
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It is important that you have an idea why Principles of Flight subject is of high importance, not only now, for exam preparation and flight training, but later on during your professional career as well. Since Principles of Flight - as its name suggests - describes the basic principles why and how we can fly, this subject provides a framework for safety (stall, accelerated stall, climb angle, etc), economy (optimum flight path, optimum speeds, basic energy management), and all other 13 subjects to different extents. The "closest" subjects to Principles of Flight are Performance and Mass and Balance and parts of Flight Planning, in which you have to apply what you will have learnt here. As this subject requires understanding of Aerodynamics, it is very important that you are able to work with formulae, arrange equation and know basics of Physics. That is why this book starts with basic Mathematics and Physics, i.e. to give you the foundations and help you reach the required level of knowledge. So, please go through the first two chapters carefully and if you feel that you are not completely confident with them, please study these chapters before moving on to Aerodynamics

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