Daniel B. Big Picture B1. (American edition) Richmond 2ed 2021
2024-12-22 14:15:03 GMT
981.17 MiB (1028834348 Bytes)

The Big Picture by Richmond is a highly visual course for adult and young adult learners. Real-life, relevant, international contexts combined with striking images to engage the learner in this beautifully designed series providing 90-120 hours of core classroom material. It also offers students and teachers access to the Richmond Learning Platform, a comprehensive online resource which includes interactive activities and a user-friendly test generator. The Big Picture is about real life. The course aims to make English language learning accessible by grounding tasks in real-life situations. The course also challenges stereotyping and presents positive role models in all of the content. The lesson topics take global situations and cultural material which are both stimulating and immediately relevant to students’ lives. Due to the growing importance of images in today’s digitalized world, we’re all becoming more visually literate. Therefore, images in the course aren’t merely decorative, but play an active role in the learning process. They are used to engage students and develop critical thinking skills by encouraging them not only to describe images, but also to interpret and discuss them. With The Big Picture students will: – develop their visual literacy through activities based on meaningful, thought provoking images. – appreciate the diversity of spoken English today with a large variety of native and nonnative voices. – explore cultural contexts through different global perspectives. – improve their vocabulary and everyday conversation skills through a fully integrated core vocabulary syllabus with functional language

Gomagnet 2023.
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