Yu B. Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis...Naturally..Glycosides 2024
2024-11-15 11:14:23 GMT
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Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides Revolutionize your manufacturing processes and more with this groundbreaking introduction Carbohydrates and complex glycosides are important classes of molecules. The ubiquitous glycosides are extremely diverse in structure and functions, and many of them are of pharmacological significance. Purification of a homogeneous glycoside from the nature sources, especially in an appreciable amount, is always difficult. Chemical synthesis provides a feasible access to the homogenous glycosides and their congeners. Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides presents about 10 families of naturally occurring glycoside natural products, including about 150 molecules that organic chemists have devoted a lot of effort toward their synthesis. In each example, the background of each natural glycoside, including its natural resources, its isolation process and its bioactivities have been described; the total synthesis of the natural glycoside is presented with special emphasis on the glycosylation reaction, the strategy on saccharides assembly, the protecting group manipulation, and the method for the synthesis of the rare saccharide units. Readers can clearly see the progress of total synthesis of naturally occurring glycosides, from early to current arts, from simple to complex molecules, and from tedious strategy to highly efficient and economical methodologies in this book. It will highly benefit the further developments in the total synthesis of naturally occurring glycosides and synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides is ideal for Organic Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemists, Natural Products Chemists, and Pharmaceutical Industry. Introduction Aromatic Polyketide Glycosides Enediyne Glycosides Flavonoid Glycosides Macrolide Glycosides Nucleosides Peptide Glycosides Resin Glycosides Steroid Glycosides Triterpenoid Glycosides Miscellaneous Glycosides

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