Plot: After Julia meets up with The Stranger for a date, is kidnapped and bound in his lair but escapes and begins to exact revenge, we learn the real story – fate has brought two kindred souls together, since she just happens to be a psychotic serial killer, too. Equally skilled in the arts of torture, the film becomes a ridiculously enjoyable battle of the sexes, where the sexual tension between the two of them are resolved. Imagine Jason and Freddy flirting, or Godzilla holding a flame for Mothra. Enter Julia’s competitive sister Jessica, a house with a past, and lots of dating site cliches used as threats, and you have an incredibly comic, brutal battle royale.
Genre: Thriller IMDB rating: 5.3/10 Directed by: P.J. Pettiette Starring: Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo and Alicia Leigh Willis
Release Name: Julia.X.2011.BDRip.x264-eQuality Size: 912MB Video: X264,720 x 406, 1191Kbps Audio: English, AAC, 192 kbps Runtime: 1h 32m