Giambattista A., Ricardson B., Richardson R. College Physics 4ed 2012 Fix
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College Physics, Second Edition is the best solution for today's college physics market. With a unique, new, approach to physics that builds a conceptual framework as motivation for the physical principles, consistent problem solving coverage strategies, stunning art, extensive end-of-chapter material, and superior media support, Giambattista, Richardson, and Richardson delivers a product that addresses today's market needs with the best tools available. College Physics is intended for a two-semester college course in introductory physics using algebra and trigonometry. Our main goals in writing this book are to present the basic concepts of physics that students need to know for later courses and future careers, to emphasize that physics is a tool for understanding the real world, and to teach transferable problem-solving skills that students can use throughout their lives. Mechanics Force Acceleration and Newton’s Second Law of Motion Motion with Constant Acceleration Circular Motion Conservation of Energy Linear Momentum Torque and Angular Momentum Fluids Elasticity and Oscillations Waves Sound Thermal Physics Temperature and Ideal Gas Heat Thermodynamics Electromagnetism Electric Forces and Fields Electric Potential Electric Current and Circuits Magnetic Forces and Fields Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves and Optics Electromagnetic Waves Reflection and Refraction of Light Optical Instruments Interference and Diffraction Quantum and Particle Physics and Relativity Relativity Early Quantum Physics and the Photon Quantum Physics Nuclear Physics Particle Physics

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数据来自Pirate Bay。