YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, diagnostic tools, and more. Contrary to MultiBootISO's which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.
YUMI works much like Universal USB Installer, except it can be used to install more than one distribution to run from your USB. Distributions can also be uninstalled using the same tool!
Changes in version Added Liberte, Knoppix 7 DVD, Web Converger, and Debian Live 6.0.4 64bit entries. Shorten cfg files to <=8 characters to prevent potential boot issues.
Changes in version Added Kubuntu DVD, and Fedora 17 entries. Updated to support Ophcrack 3.4.0. Fix Backtrack 5 Removal option.
Changes in version Added Wifiway 3.4, and Linux Mint 13 Mate and Cinnamon entries.
Changes in version Added Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio 12.04 entries.
Changes in version Rename Linux Mint entries to avoid confusion. Update Porteus entry. Add Pear OS, Linux Live tools for OCZ, Linux Mint 12 LXDE, and Ubuntu DVD 12.04 entries.