'In Search of the Perfect Human Diet' is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by analyzing modern science, exploring previous historical findings and native populations and first time revelations from the emerging field of human dietary evolution. The film gives the audience a new opportunity to see what our species needs for optimal health and introduces a practical template based on facts not theories.
This investigative documentary bypasses common contradictory dietary bias and the recycling of confusion by filming interviews and explorations with many of the world's top scientists and researchers in the fields of archaeological science, paleo and forensic anthropology, nutrition and metabolism, biomolecular archaeology, and the emerging field of human dietary evolution.
Director: C.J. Hunt Writer: C.J. Hunt
homepage: http://perfecthumandiet.us/
Featuring: Loren Cordain, Gary Taubes, Michael Eades M.D., Robb Wolf, Barry Sears, Dr. Lane Sebring, Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin, Dr. Jay Wortman, Leslie Aiello Ph.D., Andrew Weil, Boyd Eaton, David Getoff and many more.
DVDRip AVI AVC 981 kb/s 576x320 01:27:28 English: MP3 128 kb/s (2 ch) 700 mb
Genre: Health, Nutrition, Diet