AVG I.S 2012 B-Ness.Ed.Final-x86-x64. T.W.E - The White Eagle T
2012-04-13 11:23:02 GMT
344.02 MiB (360735321 Bytes)

This is * AVG Internet.Security 2012 Business Edition Final *

                    With working keys.

** Make sure you install this in another directory than C:Program Files **

** Make a new folder in another Hdd **

** Ex. D:Programfiles **

** And install AVG There. **

After you've done the installation Restart Computer

After this restart open up Msconfig And go to where it says startup.

Check for * AVGTRAY* and unmark this option. And push button APPLY

Now your computer will restart again.

Never run a virusprogram Automatic that you are un familiar with,what we just did

was disconnecting avg from starting up automatic at the same time you're open up

your system. The first thing you should think about,is to check the avg scan

options and make sure that this avg dont do anything by it self.

Me and many others has lost our op systems by running automatic options,we have

lost Many program Patches because of this,most of the virus programs see

a program patch as a threat even if it is'nt a threat.

So if you are going to have a virus program * always * run it manually.

Manually is always the safest way to run a virus program,please never forget i

told you this.And if you understand what i just wrote,then i promise you will

have a great virus program to work with.


T.W.E The White Eagle

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。