[img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/[email protected]@._V1.SY317_CR5,0,214,317.jpg[/img]
Ice Planet (2003)(IPOD)
Encoded to 480 x 272
File Format m4v
works on IPOD/IPHONE/IPAD/MAC & PC Also I watched it Via Apple TV.
The end of our world is the beginning on another...
In the brief period of peace after a terrible war in a far future Earth, an outer-space military academy is attacked by an unknown and unstoppable alien force. The commander of the academy, along with a group of newly graduated cadets, escapes to a large research station. Pursued by the aliens, the station jumps through a mysterious hyperspace gateway that sends them to a planet in an unknown part of the universe. Where are they, and will they ever be able to return to Earth?
please seed :P