FILM TITLE: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)
Genre: Adventure | Drama | Mystery
Rated PG-13 for emotional thematic material, some disturbing images, and language
Release: 17 February 2012 (Sweden)
Director: Stephen Daldry
Writer: Eric Roth (screenplay), Jonathan Safran Foer (novel)
Stars: Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock
Country: USA
Language: English
Plot: A nine-year-old amateur inventor, Francophile, and pacifist searches New York City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
IMDB Rating: 6.7/10 from 15,827 users Metascore: 46/100
[IMG]http://torrentmafia.in/imghost/3/greyshadow_extremelyloud720pxvidvdub.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://torrentmafia.in/imghost/3/greyshadow_extremelyloud720pxvid1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://torrentmafia.in/imghost/3/greyshadow_extremelyloud720pxvid2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://torrentmafia.in/imghost/3/greyshadow_extremelyloud720pxvid3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://torrentmafia.in/imghost/3/greyshadow_extremelyloud720pxvid4.png[/IMG]
Video ID : 0 Format : MPEG-4 Visual Format profile : [email protected]
Audio ID : 1 Format : AC-3 Format/Info : Audio Coding 3 Mode extension : CM (complete main)