Golf Battle 3D ipod.ipad.iphone
2012-02-13 15:59:30 GMT
24.78 MiB (25982458 Bytes)

Description Go ONLINE for head-to-head match up against players from all over the world!

TOP #2 iPhone Sports Game USA TOP #2 iPhone Sports Game China TOP #2 iPhone Sports Game in 19 countries TOP #1 paid iPad Sports Game USA TOP #1 paid iPad Sports Game Australia TOP #1 paid iPad Sports Game Canada TOP #1 paid iPad Sports Game Sweden TOP #1 paid iPhone Sports Game Thailand

148APPS.COM Quite a bit has changed in the sport of golf over the last few years, including how it has been viewed in the public eye. There is no better example of this culture shift than Golf Battle 3D.

POCKETGAMER.CO.UK Golf Battle 3D appears to be right up my street. It looks good, too, from the over-exaggerated caricatures of the golfer to the rolling fairways fading into the distance.

APPDICTIONS.COM Golf Battle 3D isn’t your dad’s golf game app – it’s for people who care less about getting the ball in the hole and more about how hard you can crush that ball into oblivion – with great 3D graphics! For those who like a little muscle in their golf game, check out GolfBattle3D today! 4 OUT OF 5

QWERTYHUB.COM Golf Battle 3D is a gorgeous universal app that puts a little more testosterone into golf. There are 4 different levels to play on, and they all look great! These are full 3D maps with sky, lighting, and water effects as well as sand traps, water hazards. The attention to detail is excellent – the bleachers even make a metallic “ding” sound when you hit them with the golf ball. 4 OUT OF 5

There is nothing that can beat the feeling of a perfect hit with the driver! This game is all about the two best features of golf: Hitting furiously long drives and kicking your friends’ butts! That is why we have produced this network based action golf game - with the driver as your only weapon.

Use your phone´s advanced features such as touchscreen (to swing) and the gyroscope (to steer the ball). As you hear from the title it is a 3D game. Thanks to the network setup you can play against your friends if they are on iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows7 or Samsung Bada.

In the game you will be able to battle on four different courses, from four different continents. When you play the game for the first time, two of the courses will be available to play. The other two you will have to earn your right to play…

Angus is the ginger Scotsman that is leading the pack. If you for some reason do not like his looks or attitude you can replace him with any of the 26 full characters in the game. Every time you play the game you earn gold coins, these coins can be used to upgrade your avatar, or his equipment.

Read more about the game and view trailer and tutorial on

Remember.. Putting is for wimps! What's new in Version 1.1.6 • Overhauled GUI • New purchasable items/balls • Tweaked gameplay on all levels • Fixed numerous smaller issues.

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。