Full Game Collections: Game Boy Advance
This torrent is intended for sharing the full collection of GBA roms, compiled to match the No-Intro[1] database, dated 2012-01-27.
roms/ All GBA roms, torrentzip'ed data/ Files used to build this collection and other info GBA_have.txt List of games in the collection *.dat Corresponding No-Intro datfile
Tools used
TorrentZip 0.2 [2] ClrMamePro 4.02 [3]
How to update your ROM collection and start seeding at more than 0%
If you already have one or more ROM sets that belong to this collection, it is easy to use this torrent to update your collection, only downloading the files you need, and sharing your previous files from the start.
First, you need the datfile used to build this collection. This file is included in the "data" folder indexed by this torrent. With a modern BitTorrent client, you can adjust the priority to download this file first.
Once you have the datfile, verify and fix your collection with the ClrMamePro tool. On the net, there are many good guides on how to use this tool correctly (also see the guide referenced below). For this step, it's better to keep your rom sets unmerged and in zip format. Don't forget to make backups of your files just in case!
Once you have fixed your previous files, you just need to torrentzip all of them, so they match the files from this torrent. A good general guide about clrmamepro and torrentzip can be found at [4].
Now you're ready to start updating/sharing your collection efficiently. Place your torrentzip'ed files where your BitTorrent client expects them, force a re-check of the files and your torrent will be joined with all your previous files. Have fun, and seed generously :). Thanks.
[1] http://www.no-intro.org/ [2] http://sourceforge.net/projects/trrntzip/ [3] http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/ [4] http://mametitles.co.uk/tz/torrentzip.pdf
Other collections available
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo Game Boy Color
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo 64