Title: Desert Flower / Wstenblume Year: 2009 Country: Germany, Britain, Austria Genre: Drama, Biography Duration: 2:01:00 Subtitles: Russian, English (switchable)
Directed by Sherry Horman / Sherry Horman
Cast: Liya Kebede, Sally Hawkins, Craig Parkinson, World Saillant, Anthony Mackie, Juliet Stevenson, Timothy Spall
The autobiography of a Somalian nomad circumcised at 3, sold in marriage at 13, fled from Africa a while later to become finally an American supermodel and is now at the age of 38, the UN spokeswoman against circumcision.
Technical data file: Quality: BDRip 720p Format: MKV Video Codec: x264 Audio Codec: AAC Video: 1280 x 688, 24 fps, 864 Kbps, Audio # 1: English, original, 48.100 kHz, AAC, 2 ch, ~ 128.00 kbps VBR Audio # 2: Russian, 48.100 kHz, AAC, 2 ch, ~ 128.00 kbps VBR