Plot: Brandon is a 30-something man living in New York who is unable to manage his sex life. After his wayward younger sister moves into his apartment, Brandon’s world spirals out of control. From director Steve McQueen (Hunger), Shame is a compelling and timely examination of the nature of need, how we live our lives and the experiences that shape us.
Encoder: Baker92
Video: Format: AVI ( XviD ) Length: 01:35:11 Frame Width: 640 Frame Height: 256 Data Rate: 1408kbps Total Bitrate: 1536kbps Frame Rate: 25Frames/Second
Audio: Format: MP3 Birate: 127kbps Channels: 2 ( Stereo ) Audio Sample Rate: 44KHz
Sources: Vid - Italians V2, Aud - INSPiRAL ( cheers guys )
Note: there is camera movement top border for the first 15mins or so jus a likkle didnt wana crop more didnt need it but the rest of the vid for cam is crisp enjoy