Description Sylvester Stallone stars as Barney Ross, leader of The Expendables, a tight-knit team of skilled combat vets turned mercenaries. Hired by a powerful covert operator, the team jets off to a small South American country to overthrow a ruthless dictator. Once there, they find themselves caught in a deadly web of deceit and betrayal. Using every weapon at their disposal, they set out to save the innocent and punish the guilty in this blistering action-packed thriller. (From DVDEmpire)
Dialogue: English Subtitle: English,Spanish (On/Off) Released By: Lionsgate Aspect Ratio:Widescreen 2.40:1 Color Running Time: 103 mins Genre: Thrillers, Action, Adventure Region: Region 1 (NTSC) Source:DVD9 Retail Format:ISO FILE / DVD9 Program Used: DVD Decrypter Posted By: Junior36 MPAA:R Number of Discs: 1
Features: "Before The Battle" Making Of Featurette Audio Commentary With Sylvester Stallone Deleted Scenes Gag Reel Marketing Archive
Video: Widescreen 2.40:1 Color
Audio: ENGLISH: DD-EX 5.1 [CC]
Subtitles: English, Spanish