Vithanage M. Microplastics in the Ecosphere. Air, Water, Soil, and Food 2023
2023-05-13 20:51:41 GMT
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Microplastics in the Ecosphere Discover the environmental impact of microplastics with this comprehensive resource. Microplastics are the minute quantities of plastic that result from industrial processes, household release and the breakdown of larger plastic items. Preface Section I Single Use Plastics 1 Scientometric Analysis of Microplastics across the Globe 2 Microplastic Pollution in the Polar Oceans –A Review 3 Microplastics –Global Scenario 4 The Single-Use Plastic Pandemic in the COVID-19 Era Section II Microplastics in the Aerosphere 5 Atmospheric Microplastic Transport 6 Microplastics in the Atmosphere and Their Human and Eco Risks 7 Sampling and Detection of Microplastics in the Atmosphere 8 Sources and Circulation of Microplastics in the Aerosphere –Atmospheric Transport of Microplastics Section III Microplastics in the Aquatic Environment 9 Interaction of Chemical Contaminants with Microplastics 10 Microplastics in Freshwater Environments 11 Microplastics in Landfill Leachate: Flow and Transport 12 Microplastics in the Aquatic Environment – Effects on Ocean Carbon Sequestration and Sustenance of Marine Life Section IV Microplastics in Soil Systems 13 Entry of Microplastics into Agroecosystems: A Serious Threat to Food Security and Human Health 14 Migration of Microplastic-Bound Contaminants to Soil and Their Effects 15 Plastic Mulch-Derived Microplastics in Agricultural Soil Systems 16 Critical Review of Microplastics in Soil 17 What Do We Know About the Effects of Microplastics on Soil? 18 Microbial Degradation of Plastics 19 Microplastics and Soil Nutrient Cycling Section V Microplastics in Food Systems 20 Microplastics in the Food Chain 21 Microplastics in Salt and Drinking Water 22 Microplastics in Commercial Seafood (Invertebrates) and Seaweeds 23 Microplastic Toxicity to Humans Section VI Treatment Technologies and Management 24 Management of Microplastics from Sources to Humans 25 Single-Use Ordinary Plastics vs. Bioplastics 26 Plastic Nurdles in Marine Environments Due to Accidental Spillage 27 Compost-Hosted Microplastics – Municipal Solid Waste Compost 28 Single-Use Ordinary Plastics and Bioplastics –A Case Study in Brazil 29 Microplastics Remediation – Possible Perspectives for Mitigating Saline Environments 30 The Management of Waste Tires: A Case Study in Brazil

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。