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DeGun is French Slang meaning NOBODY - NO ONE !
HTTPS://SUPRBAY.ORG is back on line !
X-NetStat 5.58 Released [11/26/2011] http://www.freshsw.com/xns/pro/overview.php
Digitally signed release of X-NetStat, which includes a few more tweaks. Download X-NetStat 5.58 and report any bugs with the Mantis BugTracker.
Isolate feature now clears other search/filter results for proper isolation.
WinPcap Sniffer works, must be run in Administrator mode.
EXE files are now digitally signed
X-NetStat Professional 5.49 : Program Overview & Tour
"A quantum leap beyond the days of the console netstat.exe"
X-NetStat displays information on your current Internet and network connections, much like the console netstat.exe program, but in a graphical interface.
These connections are established each time you visit a web page, send an instant message, check your email, or anytime you do network activity that requires you to connect to another computer. They also appear when outside computers attempt to connect to your machine, authorized or not.
Each connection is displayed in the Connection Table, where you can see the address you are connected to, what ports (local and remote) are being used, the connection status, how long the connection has been active, the program behind the connection, and how much bandwidth is being used.
X-NetStat Professional contains powerful features like a Rules System that lets you set up actions based on network conditions, a comprehensive Network Statistics window displaying information on network interfaces and protocols, a Web Server that lets you access XNS information remotely, a collection of Lookup Tools (TraceRoute, WHOIS, Finger, DNS, Web Search, etc), and many more features.
Fresh Software has been improving X-NetStat for the last 7 years based on user feedback. With a smart graphical user interface, a rich feature set, and innovative concepts, X-NetStat Professional is critical tool that administrators and power users should not be without
############### X-NetStat Professional Program Features: #################
Display all TCP Connections & UDP listens
Connection Info: Addresses, Status, Ports, etc
Process Info: Show program EXE behind connections
Location Info: 1-Click Auto-WHOIS
System Info: Uptime, MAC Address, Workgroup, etc
Ability to Kill/Disconnect connections
Nuke Connections (mass kill)
DNS Cache for fast hostname resolution
Log XNS activity to file / Log Manager
Feature-Centric customizable toolbar
ViewBar & System Tray Access
Remote Access thru X-NetStat Web Server
Comprehensive Port Information Database
Get External IP address
Show In/Out Traffic Rates / LED traffic lights
1-Click access to common DOS network commands
Banish Hostname (prevent outgoing connections)
Condition/Action Rules system
Print / Save Connection Table
Customize Columns & Toolbar buttons
Customize Status Bar
Customize External Programs
Customize Font & Appearance
Extensive set of configurable Options
Lookup Tools (WHOIS, TraceRoute, etc)
Net Stats (Interface, TCP, IP, ICMP, UDP)
Check for Updates
Assign addresses “friendly†names
Filter/Search Connections
Bulk IP Import Tool (resolve IP lists)
AutoRefresh & Pause buttons
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