Louis Theroux BBC Documentaries (To June 2011 - Complete)
2011-10-29 17:08:10 GMT

This torrent is the complete collection of Louis Theroux's BBC documentaries as of June 2011.

Files are mixed quality .avi categorised by series and episode.

This is the seventh incarnation of this hugely popular torrent series and includes Louis' latest films 'America's Most Hated Family in Crisis' and the two part 'Miami Mega-Jail'.

I have found it very hard to find all of these films and thanks must be given to the original uploaders, in particular the wonderful people at UKNova, with whom this torrent has been granted permission.

This is the only and original complete archive of his films available on the internet. Every other full collection out there has been taken from this one. PLEASE do not reupload on any other sites without asking me first.

Please seed this torrent to at least 100% after you have downloaded.

Great thanks to Louis and the BBC for this fantastic series. I am an absolutely huge fan of your work Louis, and want to help spread the word and bring your superb films to as wide an audience as possible. You are a truly astounding broadcaster =)

Enjoy, and please seed;


Louis Theroux:

S1-Weird Weekends: LTWW S01E01 - UFOs.avi LTWW S01E02 - Porn.avi LTWW S01E03 - Swingers.avi LTWW S01E04 - Wrestling.avi LTWW S01E05 - Gangster Rap.avi LTWW S01E06 - Televangelists.avi LTWW S01E07 - Survivalists.avi LTWW S01E08 - Infomercials.avi LTWW S01E09 - Black Nationalists.avi LTWW S01E10 - Demolition Derby.avi LTWW S01E11 - Off-off Broadway.avi LTWW S01E12 - Hypnosis.avi LTWW S01E13 - Enlightenment.avi LTWW S01E14 - Whites.avi LTWW S01E15 - Body-Building.avi LTWW S01E16 - Thai Brides.avi

S2-When Louis Met: WLM S01E01 - Jimmy Savile.avi WLM S01E02 - Paul And Debbie.avi WLM S01E03 - The Hamiltons.avi WLM S02E01 - Anne Widdecombe.avi WLM S02E02 - Chris Eubank.avi WLM S02E03 - Keith Harris & Orvil.avi WLM S02E04 - Max Clifford.avi

S3: A Place for Paedophiles.avi African Hunting Party.avi America's Medicated Kids.avi America's Most Hated Family in Crisis.mp4 Behind Bars.avi Gambling In Las Vegas.avi Law and Disorder in Johannesburg.avi Law and Disorder in Lagos.avi Law and Disorder in Philadelphia.avi Miami Mega-Jail ep01.avi Miami Mega-Jail ep02.avi The City Addicted to Crystal Meth.avi The Most Hated Family In America.avi Ultra Zionists.avi Under The Knife.avi

Specials: Living with Louis.avi Louis and the Brothel.avi Louis And The Nazis.avi Louis Theroux's Weird Christmas.avi Louis, Martin and Michael.avi


Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。