Watch The SMURFS 2011 FLV cam GLOBE
2011-08-05 10:29:32 GMT
  • FLV CAM * 01H33M22S * Perfect work with the Dub plugins

  • Plot :

In the beginning of the film, Narrator Smurf describes the Blue Moon Festival, where every Smurf prepares to sing the Smurf theme song, almost every Smurf. Gutsy Smurf and Grouchy Smurf tell Clumsy Smurf he's on the "Don't Not Let In" list because he is too accident prone. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf sees a vision that Clumsy has a dragon wand, the Smurfs are in cages, and Gargamel has ultimate power. Worried that this may happen, Papa does not let Clumsy pick Smurf Roots. Clumsy refuses to listen and picks the Smurf Roots. Gargamel soon finds Clumsy and chases after him. Clumsy leads Gargamel into the hidden Smurf village, and Gargamel destroys it. Running from Gargamel, Clumsy accidentally goes the wrong direction, and some of the other Smurfs go after him and leap into a magic portal and finally discover New York City. They take shelter with a young married couple (Patrick and Grace Winslow), who are expecting a baby. The Smurfs have to return to the Middle Ages and stop Gargamel. With the help of Patrick and Grace, the Smurfs eventually defeat Gargamel.

  • enjoy ...

  • GLOBE FILES 2011

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。