Summary: Brothers in Arms is the fifth studio album by British rock band Dire Straits, released in 1985. The first half of the album is a development of their unique brand of arena rock which had evolved in their music since the 1980 album Making Movies, while the second half consists of more folk-influenced material. The whole album maintains the original Dire Straits' bluesy and laid back guitar-based sound whilst retaining a more lavish and bombastic production and overall sound. It is the band's best selling album.
Album Title: Brothers In Arms Artist | Group: Dire Straits Label: Vertigo Release date: 1985 Genre: Rock Number of track(s): 9 File format: mp3 Total duration: 00h:55m:16s:815ms Total size: 126.4414 MB
Track List: So Far Away Money For Nothing Walk Of Life Your Latest Trick Why Worry Ride Across The River The Man's Too Strong One World Brothers In Arms
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