Steinmetz C. Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits 1917
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In the twenty years since the first edition of "Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena" appeared, electrical engineering has risen from a small beginning to the world's greatest industry; electricity has found its field, as the means of universal energy transmission, distribution and supply, and our knowledge of electrophysics and electrical engineering has increased many fold, so that subjects, which twenty years ago could be dismissed with a few pages discussion, now have expanded and require an extensive knowledge by every electrical engineer. In the following volume I have discussed the most important characteristics of the fundamental conception of electrical engineering, such as electric conduction, magnetism, wave shape, the meaning of reactance and similar terms, the problems of stability and instability of electric systems, etc., and also have given a more extended application of the method of complex quantities, which the experience of these twenty years has shown to be the most powerful tool in dealing with alternating current phenomena. In some respects, the following work, and its companion volume, "Theory and Calculation of Electrical Apparatus," may be considered as continuations, or rather as parts of "Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena." With Current Phenomena" had reached about the largest practical bulk, and when rewriting it for the 5th edition, it became necessary to subdivide it into three volumes, to include at least the most necessary structural elements of our knowledge of electrical engineering. The subject matter thus has been distributed into three volumes: Alternating Current Phenomena," "Electric Circuits," and "Electrical Apparatus"

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