Glover J. Power System Analysis and Design 5ed 2012
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The objective of this book is to present methods of power system analysis and design, particularly with the aid of a personal computer, in sufficient depth to give the student the basic theory at the undergraduate level. The approach is designed to develop students’ thinking processes, enabling them to reach a sound understanding of a broad range of topics related to power system engineering, while motivating their interest in the electrical power industry. Because we believe that fundamental physical concepts underlie creative engineering and form the most valuable and permanent part of an engineering education, we highlight physical concepts while giving due attention to mathematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. This edition of the text features new Chapter 14 entitled, Power Distribution. During the last decade, major improvements in distribution reliability have come through automated distribution and more recently through the introduction of ‘‘smart grids.’’ Chapter 14 introduces the basic features of primary and secondary distribution systems as well as basic distribution components including distribution substation transformers, distribution transformers, and shunt capacitors. We list some of the major distribution software vendors followed by an introduction to distribution reliability, distribution automation, and smart grids. This edition also features the following: (1) wind-energy systems modeling in the chapter on transient stability; (2) discussion of reactive/pitch control of wind generation in the chapter on powers system controls; (3) updated case studies for nine chapters along with four case studies from the previous edition describing present-day, practical applications and new technologies; (4) an updated PowerWorld Simulator package; and (5) updated problems at the end of chapters. One of the most challenging aspects of engineering education is giving students an intuitive feel for the systems they are studying. Engineering systems are, for the most part, complex. While paper-and-pencil exercises can be quite useful for highlighting the fundamentals, they often fall short in imparting the desired intuitive insight. To help provide this insight, the book uses PowerWorld Simulator to integrate computer-based examples, problems, and design projects throughout the text. PowerWorld Simulator was originally developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign to teach the basics of power systems to nontechnical people involved in the electricity industry, with version 1.0 introduced in June 1994. The program’s interactive and graphical design made it an immediate hit as an educational tool, but a funny thing happened—its interactive and graphical design also appealed to engineers doing analysis of real power systems. To meet the needs of a growing group of users, PowerWorld Simulator was commercialized in 1996 by the formation of PowerWorld Corporation. Thus while retaining its appeal for education, over the years PowerWorld Simulator has evolved into a top-notch analysis package, able to handle power systems of any size. PowerWorld Simulator is now used throughout the power industry, with a range of users encompassing universities, utilities of all sizes, government regulators, power marketers, and consulting firms. In integrating PowerWorld Simulator with the text, our design philosophy has been to use the software to extend, rather than replace, the fully worked examples provided in previous editions. Therefore, except when the problem size makes it impractical, each PowerWorld Simulator example includes a fully worked hand solution of the problem along with a PowerWorld Simulator case. This format allows students to simultaneously see the details of how a problem is solved and a computer implementation of the solution. The added benefit from PowerWorld Simulator is its ability to easily extend the example. Through its interactive design, students can quickly vary example parameters and immediately see the impact such changes have on the solution. By reworking the examples with the new parameters, students get immediate feedback on whether they understand the solution process. The interactive and visual design of PowerWorld Simulator also makes it an excellent tool for instructors to use for in-class demonstrations. With numerous examples utilizing PowerWorld Simulator instructors can easily demonstrate many of the text topics. Additional PowerWorld Simulator functionality is introduced in the text problems and design projects. The text is intended to be fully covered in a two-semester or threequarter course o¤ered to seniors and first-year graduate students. The organization of chapters and individual sections is flexible enough to give the instructor sufficient latitude in choosing topics to cover, especially in a onesemester course. The text is supported by an ample number of worked examples covering most of the theoretical points raised. The many problems to be worked with a calculator as well as problems to be worked using a personal computer have been expanded in this edition. As background for this course, it is assumed that students have had courses in electric network theory (including transient analysis) and ordinary differential equations and have been exposed to linear systems, matrix algebra, and computer programming. In addition, it would be helpful, but not necessary, to have had an electric machines course. After an introduction to the history of electric power systems along with present and future trends, Chapter 2 on fundamentals orients the students to the terminology and serves as a brief review. The chapter reviews phasor concepts, power, and single-phase as well as three-phase circuits. Chapters 3 through 6 examine power transformers, transmission-line parameters, steady-state operation of transmission lines, and power flows including the Newton–Raphson method. These chapters provide a basic understanding of power systems under balanced three-phase, steady-state, normal operating conditions. Chapters 7 through 10, which cover symmetrical faults, symmetrical components, unsymmetrical faults, and system protection, come under the general heading of power system short-circuit protection. Chapter 11 (previously Chapter 13) examines transient stability, which includes the swing equation, the equal-area criterion, and multi-machine stability with modeling of wind-energy systems as a new feature. Chapter 12 (previously Chapter 11) covers power system controls, including turbine-generator controls, loadfrequency control, economic dispatch, and optimal power flow, with reactive/pitch control of wind generation as a new feature. Chapter 13 (previously Chapter 12) examines transient operation of transmission lines including power system overvoltages and surge protection. The final and new Chapter 14 introduces power distribution

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