Kung Fu Panda 2 is the sequel of the ticket office success, Kung Fu Panda. In an original history, the players submerge in a game of in the end culminating video at the end of the battle of film between the Teacher Shen and Po. The players must help Po, the Five Furious ones with the advice of the respected teachers, Shifu, Croc and the ox to defeat to the wolves sackings, gorilas and the powerful clans of dragoons of Barbarian Komodo lead Give Xaio Gongman to save the city, to restore the balance and, by all means… to keep Kung Fu. Only with Kinect for Xbox 360 Po to teach to the key players of kung fu one moves and to enable them for the imminent battle against new, never before seen the enemies, Co-created by THQ and DreamWorks Animation. Using Kinect, the players look like to transform themselves into Po like blocking, avoiding, duck, puñetazos and kicks, without necessary controller. In screen, Po follows all movements like the game that has in some lands and new atmospheres.