Escape from Pretoria (2020) 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) subs
2022-09-10 21:32:30 GMT
3.21 GiB (3445761771 Bytes)

1080p H.264 video @3950k video bitrate 384k stereo Dolby AC3 audio

selected subtitles only - lots more language choices on the net - just set starting position and should hopefully fit as these all did straight away - ta

Dutch German Italian Russian (French Polish and lots more appear at the usual sites on the net - they'll be happy to see you come by their sites too I'm sure - keeps everyone happy along the way)

This movie (by the way the best prison incident movie out of (at the time referred to as) "White South Africa" is the movie "Stander" don't miss our download here.) looks at a theme we just touched on in the movie "A United kingdom" (2016) Starring Rosamund Pike in which we find what has been a horde of people who look white presenting coming out with racial miscegenation in their hearts in such manner of degree as to seem more like an outsider to those they would have naturally have been encamped with forever of course as who it is they are or seemed - yet now seeming to pick the other side as preferred to the extent of joining the fight against whites as we see the "brothers" (white seeming fer shure) at the start of this movie are into equally. As the images show below, there's even romance in the air to show the sense of belonging in this all. I pray (in my own heart as it were for personal courage on the part of all concerned - and the conviction from which it comes in the first place) everytime I think on the matter of dear Irene who is featured at our site, as a dear Christianly soul of such greatest human spirit - forced to live in squalor as she is abandoned by what should be kin folk thinking on the part of European nations (Holland too most of all certainly) as all too many have joined in with thinking which at the core sees family values as something to ignore and abandon in favour of other modes of being, thinking and being oriented to instead - imagine that!! merde!!

Thanks for seeding Michael Rizzo Chessman (moviesbyrizzo upl)

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。