Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 by HAZARD (RUS/ENG) 2011
2011-02-28 16:48:23 GMT
iso.dvd hackintosh Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 HAZARD (RUS/ENG) 2011

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 by HAZARD (RUS/ENG) 2011 Software

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 by HAZARD (RUS/ENG) 2011 Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 by HAZARD (RUS/ENG) 2011 | 4.46 GB

New build on the team Hazard. If we compare with the previous version, this guys refused to include a huge number of patches and fixes to the standard installation. Confidently declare that AMD processors are supported. When you mount the image, please do not be afraid of missing files, they are just hidden. All statements regarding the possibility of installing only the intel quite thoroughly tested on AMD Athlon 64 x2, MSI K9N nForse 520. In the assembly, there is only one core, this legacy kernel 10,6, but it fully enough, the installation went smoothly and without problems, for which many thanks to developers who have revised their approach to the creation of assemblies, and did not include the extra stuff in a standard installation.

Additional Information: Texts:

AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext ApplePS2Controller.kext Disabler.kext ElliottForceLegacyRTC.kext fakesmc.kext IOAHCIBl ockStorageInjector.kext NullCPUPowerManagement.kext OpenHaltRestart.kext PlatformUUID.kext SleepEnabler.kext

System Preferences:

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System requirements:

  • CPU Intel / AMD with support for SSE2 SSE3
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 128 MB Graphics Card
  • 7-8 GB of free disk space

Image Checksum: CRC32: 5DC0FDEB MD5: FA1C8FA25290708B40E1F4B87275408D

Language: Russian / english File format: rar Platform: x64 + x32

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