Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011 with X-Force Keygen {eXplosive}
2011-02-07 16:12:28 GMT
eXplosive Autodesk Ecotect

Product Info

Autodesk® Ecotect® Analysis environmental building technology is a comprehensive concept-to-detail sustainable analysis tool. This software program delivers a wide range of simulation and analysis functions. Desktop tools, enabling designers to conduct detailed environmental simulations and visualize results, and access* to the web-based whole-building energy, water, and carbon analysis capabilities support more sustainable designs. Core features of Ecotect Analysis include:

  • Interactive 3D displays simulate building performance in response to environmental factors
  • Solar radiation, shadows and reflections, shading design, and visual impact studies
  • Detailed weather, energy, water, and carbon-emission analysis (via web-service tools) that helps enable faster evaluation of multiple design alternatives
  • ENERGY STAR® scoring and analysis of potential for LEED daylighting credits

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Install Notes

  1. Run setup
  2. Use 666-69696969 as Serial Number
  3. Use 593C1 as Product Code
  4. Finish the installation & restart Ecotect
  5. Before clicking on Activate, disconnect from internet.
  6. Select "I have an activation code from Autodesk"
  7. Start XFORCE Keygen
  8. Click on Mem Patch (you should see "successfully patched")
  9. Copy the request code into the keygen and press "generate"
  10. Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click "Next"

DONE! Now you can connect to internet again.

Note: Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator and with UAC off on Vista or Windows7.

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。