Bendefy I. Baby Day By Day 2012
2022-07-14 13:47:27 GMT
86.79 MiB (91003060 Bytes)

Textbook in PDF format

In-depth, daily advice on your baby’s growth, care, and development in the first year. In these days of advanced technology when so much can be achieved at the touch of a screen, there is still nothing to compare with the miracle of a new baby. For new parents, the reality of having created this little being is stunning; a whole life is theirs to care for; their baby’s future is in their hands. The sense of achievement and responsibility will change them as people.By adulthood, most of us have learned what we need to get a job, run a home, and have a social life. The one area most first-time parents have not learned about is how to bring up a baby. Once, families would hand down child-rearing skills, for better or worse. These days, families may be scattered across countries or continents; grandparents may be working. Parents cannot always take family support for granted. At the same time, research and medical care have improved child health dramatically and advanced our knowledge of how best to raise babies. Parents want to have real input into how their child develops, because they have a vision of the kind of person they hope their child will grow up to be. The first year of a baby’s life is the time of most rapid growth and development. Parents see their baby changing almost day by day. They will be filled with wonder and pride but may be overwhelmed by how much they need to learn. At this time, more than at any other age, they need reliable, balanced, and reassuring information about what to expect and what to do for their baby. In Baby Day by Day, parents will find a comprehensive guide to each step of their baby’s first year of life. There is specialized advice on each stage of their baby’s growth and development, with current evidence-based guidelines on breast- and bottle-feeding, starting solid food, sleeping, health screening, and immunizations. Common problems and worries are discussed, with friendly, reassuring help. A detailed medical section provides an accessible reference to common illnesses and first aid. Supportive information is given for parents, from breast-feeding and postpartum care for mothers, to work options, child care, family networks, and maintaining parents’ identities and relationships. The book is written for mothers, fathers, and anyone involved in raising children. The aim is to make this first year a happy, rewarding, and confident start to the rest of baby’s and parents’ lives together

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